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Pre-PA Guide

Pre-PA Guide


In this 25-page pdf mini-guide, pre-PAs will find resources to help throughout the process of applying to PA school.


There's so much information available on the internet. Sometimes it can be hard to know where to start. Save yourself lots of time and let us help point you in the right direction!

  • 📌 This self-paced guide is broken up into 3 sections. Here's some of what you'll find inside:

    Module One: Pre-PA checklist, Sample Experience Log, Shadowing Resources

    Module Two: CASPA Timeline, Writing Personal Statements, GPA Caluclator

    Module Three: Applicant Guide, CASPA Walkthrough, Tips for Reapplying


    ✅ PA Program Filter

    ✅ Six videos (over 5 hrs of videos from PA experts)

    ✅ Links to resources from GAPA Partners: Medsembly, myPA Life, myPAResource, and The PA Platform

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